Networks for Next Generation People.
Technology, innovation and research have always been the core values of our approach to the market, and this is confirmed every day by our continuous investments, with more than half of our team working in the R&D, engineering and support departments.
All our products and solutions are entirely developed in our headquarters in Italy, starting from the hardware design up to the firmware and software components.
Our R&D team is supported by an in-house EMC laboratory to speed up the hardware design of our solutions. The laboratory is fully equipped to perform tests of Electromagnetic Compatibility, Electrical Safety / Protections, Environmental and IR thermographs.
NEtworking platform for Widespread adoption of viRtual rOUTing Environments
Co-financed by POR MARCHE FESR 2014.2020 – ASSE 1 – OS 1 – AZIONE 1.1B – Support to projects who reached the “Seal of Excellence” in SME INSTRUMENT Phase 2.
Objective NEWROUTE aims to launch to the market a flexible and scalable hardware and software NFV (Network Function Virtualisation) and SDN (Software Defined Networking) product family for next-generation Customer Premises Equipment (vE-CPE), capable of providing SMEs with a flexible networking infrastructure, swiftly deployable and upgradable with new features thanks to their virtualisation and centralisation at service provider level. Currently there are no competing solution integrating both NFV and vE-CPE technologies into a single multifunctional platform, so NEWROUTE will represent a disrupting approach opening the path for future innovations.
Starting date 10/07/2017
Ending date 09/08/2019
Integrated System for the Prevention and Management of the Pressure Ulcers
Co-financed by POR MARCHE FESR 2014.2020 – ASSE 1 – OS 3 – AZIONE 3.1 – Promote innovative solutions to address the challenges of local communities in the area of health and well-being
Beneficiary A TLC in partnership with Optima Molliter, 2k'Soft, Marel, Pieretti, INRCA
Objective Dc-Pressure aims to prevent and treat pressure ulcers through the study, the development and the trial of a system of three Active Medical Devices (DMA), which can be monitored and remotely manageable by dedicated ICT infrastructure. Duration
Starting date 22/02/2017
Ending date 13/12/2021